Here, at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, we take accessibility and student and faculty accommodations very seriously. 

Here is an easy guide on how to get involved with the Office of Academic Accessibility. 

What is the Office of Academic Accessibility? The Office of Academic Accessibility works with all students, faculty, 
and staff to make sure all aspects of campus life, learning, and working are accessible. 

How can one get in contact with the OAA? By following the 3 easy steps on our webpage. Step 1 is to familiarize yourself with available accommodations,
student & faculty FAQ’s and documentation guidelines. 
Step 2 is to apply for accommodations under the Apply for Accomodations tab.
Step 3 is to schedule your appointment with the office under the Make an Appointment tab. 

What should students know about the OAA?
Ask questions! You won't know if the office is a good fit for you until you ask your questions, and we are always here to help! 

Is it possible to schedule an appointment with the OAA staff to ask questions?
It is possible to schedule an appointment just for questions, prior to your application process!
You can use the same Make an Appointment tab to do this. 

What is a disability? What would qualify for accommodations? 
A disability is an experience of not being able to access something based on the design of that something.
If someone wanted to attend a lecture, but the only way in was stairs, then wheelchair users would be disabled by this design.
If the same lecture only had a spoken lecture, without an interpreter or captions, then a deaf person would be disabled.

What amenities can be offered for students who have disabilities? 
In regards to education, what accommodations are currently available? 

The OAA does not offer amenities. We offer accommodations. We are not a step stool, we are the floor. 
Students who use accommodations come to use because there are holes in the floor based on the design of an experience:
books are printed in text and they need braille, or tests happen in a limited amount of time and they need longer to process, for example. 
We are not in the business of giving out favors or amenities. 

What sort of paperwork, if any, are needed for the OAA to make accommodations?
Would there be a place for the students' doctors to directly contact the OAA?

Doctors or medical professionals can email us as well: [email protected]. 
We do not have checklists for the information needed for accommodation eligibility. Disabilities, like all experiences,
are varied, and so is the documentation we review and accept. 

The Office of Academic Accessibility is truly one of the most valuable resources here at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. 

It can be found on the first floor of Ramsey Library in the Academic Success Center Office. 

If you have any questions about the office or the services it provides,
feel free to visit the UNCA Office of Academic Accessibility website for more information.